Psalm 109:1 – “My God, whom I praise, do not remain silent”


Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers

June 15 – 22, 2015 Bangkok, Thailand, D.V.

  1. Global Proclamation Commission (2010-2020) idea
  2. Mid-decade GProCongress vision
  3. Focus on Gospel proclamation
  4. The Congress is an integrated, not isolated event
  5. God moves nature to change location
  6. Global strategists recommend Bangkok, Thailand, as best location
  7. Recommended host country key leader is longtime friend of Ramesh Richard
  8. Thai culture of hospitality and efficiency
  9. Amid political unrest, a military coup stabilizes the country
  10. Tourism goes up and prices come down
  11. Availability of outstanding venue, the Impact Center
  12. Best rate ever negotiated for Impact Center
  13. An outstanding GProCongress core team of international leaders emerges
  14. RREACH internal staff exemplifies excellence in details
  15. Dallas Seminary’s incredible partnership with RREACH extends to the GProCongress
  16. The temporarily restructured role Dallas Seminary arranged with Dr. Richard
  17. A spiritual atmosphere pervades all team meetings
  18. Dallas and national GPA graduates advocate for the GProCongress in more than 80 countries
  19. Unique talents are brought to the table
  20. Richard and RREACH team who serve with love and often fill in the gaps
  21. “Back-office” team that brings wonderful abilities and heart to serve
  22. National and regional coordinators God has chosen
  23. Special place becoming available at the last minute for key Congress Core team meeting
  24. Collateral publications clearly detail the vision
  25. Summary charts quickly explain the project to donors
  26. The goals are so large that ONLY GOD can accomplish these through us
  27. The opportunity to be a part of His plan to impact the nations
  28. CRU—global operations generously becomes available
  29. Associations with major organizations provide introductions, confidence and credibility
  30. WEA and Lausanne coming together as Congress Advocates
  31. Availability of experienced leadership
  32. How God connected Dr. Richard with strategic core team leaders
  33. Key leaders requesting to be involved
  34. Charity Navigator Top 10 financial ratings for RREACH
  35. Excellent reviews of the RREACH audit
  36. Currency fluctuation in RREACH’s favor when payments due
  37. Many opportunities for Dr. Richard to share Congress vision
  38. Special invitation to publicize Congress at Moody Pastors Conference
  39. Connection with key prayer team
  40. Major worldwide organization adjusting large mid-2016 conference dates around Congress
  41. One denomination willing to cover their delegates’ transportation costs
  42. Intercessors around the world investing their time to pound on Heaven’s doors for God to be glorified during this Congress
  43. Special visa assistance from Thailand team
  44. Health and travel mercies for Dr. Richard
  45. Answer to Dr. Richard’s prayer to be used in ways he is not accustomed to being used
  46. Visionary, prayerful, generous donors
  47. Donors willing to time donations according to need
  48. Donors willing to issue “Inspirational Challenges”
  49. Donors willing to introduce the GProCongress to their contacts and networks
  50. Friends of the ministry who offer their homes and facilities for GProCongress vision-casting events
  51. Perseverance through website and registration issues
  52. Personal spiritual and physical health to run this race
  53. Joy of total protection God has bestowed upon us
  54. Speakers and presenters
  55. Parallel session content providers
  56. Each delegate God has appointed to attend the Congress
  57. The desire of so many pastoral trainers to participate in the GProCongress
  58. World-class leaders planning to attend and bring colleagues
  59. Abundant grace God showers upon us
  60. Blessed health God gives us daily
  61. GProCongress is playing a key role to unite His Church for the fulfillment of the Great Commission – John 17
  62. GProCongress is becoming a catalyst to create a culture of prayer and praise among pastoral trainers and the pastors they serve
  63. Many new friends and ministry colleagues we’ve come to know because of the GProCongress
  64. God’s plans are so much bigger than ours – Eph 3:20-21
  65. Favor and a serving attitude among so many ministry organizations
  66. Spiritual heritage provided by Dr. John Richard, Dr. Ramesh Richard’s father
  67. Connecting of the global prayer and global mission movements
  68. God is in charge – Matt 16:18
  69. Incredible leadership of Dr. Richard; a visionary with humility, who never ceases to inspire me to do my utmost
  70. The faith of the core team that encourages me to keep seeking Him for fruit from our labors
  71. The lessons of perseverance I am learning
  72. Conversations I have been blessed to have with missions pastors
  73. Opportunity to work for a ministry that has such a positive impact for the Kingdom
  74. The humility God is shaping in me as I rely on His grace and favor in my interactions with missions pastors
  75. His Word and His faithfulness and His ability to supply all our needs according to His divine riches
  76. The technology that is a huge aid in communicating the largeness of the vision for the Congress through the great RREACH media team
  77. The work the Lord is doing in the realm of pastoral training all over the world; churches are being strengthened and the body of Christ is growing
  78. In some small way, I get to be part of something bigger that is transforming church health
  79. The encouraging correspondence we receive from those registering to come
  80. The unity we see among many churches and organizations concerning the need to train pastors globally
  81. Being part of the Body of Christ
  82. The hard work that lies ahead illuminates our complete insufficiency to do any of it and points to Christ’s total sufficiency to do all He has planned in us and through us
  83. Recruiting for the Congress has brought amazing stories of pastoral trainers coming from very difficult places because of God’s providence, sufficiency and grace
  84. Exciting visualization of what and who, in terms of speakers, await delegates as the program develops
  85. The fun of learning new things during Congress planning, (if you are willing to be stretched!)
  86. Vital sustenance of body, mind, and soul for Ramesh Richard
  87. Encouragement by umbrella evangelical bodies
  88. Partnerships with key leading organizations and institutions
  89. GProCongress follow-up plan differentiates this mega-event
  90. God’s sovereignty and sufficiency shown through spiritual warfare and intense battles
  91. Opportunities to serve, give, love and lead globally
  92. Bonnie Richard sacrificially supports, even empowers, Ramesh in the demands of his role
  93. The families of team members who understand the increased load of this season
  94. Evangelistic engagements keep the mind and heart alert to unbelievers
  95. Sudden gifts of quick breaks to replenish family relationships
  96. Incredible, unsolicited affirmation of friends and strangers
  97. Nick-of-time provision of financial resources
  98. Additional knowledge and experience Dr. Richard will bring when he returns to full-time teaching at Dallas Seminary
  99. RREACH holding to core values in spite of the scale and scope of the project
  100. RREACH’s board of directors in governing the complexity of the project

*Each GProCongress and RREACH team member added to this list of praises. Though some may be personal and appear repetitive or even unclear to readers, they are meaningful to the contributors, and we are praising the Lord for everything—large and small—that He has done.