More than 8 billion individuals populate the earth. Imagine changing the way One Billion of them think and hear about the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Ramesh Richard not only imagines it, he lives it.

Growing up in southern India, a young Ramesh watched his father leave a lucrative career for full-time ministry. As a teen, he started preaching in crowded open markets. One of his friends (who later confessed to feeling embarrassed) said, “I was astounded by how calm and collected and truthful he was in presenting the gospel.”

In 1987, six business leaders and friends caught Ramesh’s vision. They stepped forward to launch Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health, a ministry vehicle that conveys this spokesman for the Sovereign Savior Shepherd around the world.

Today, from the RREACH platform and as a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Ramesh proclaims God’s Word to the uber-advantaged and the disadvantaged … for massive crowds and the streetside shoeshine proprietor … from city centers to the ends of the earth.
He has introduced the Lord Jesus and trained pastoral leaders in more than 100 countries, looking to add more each year.

In his vast (but never vague!) vision, Ramesh employs two specific strategies: evangelizing society’s opinion leaders—people of influence and affluence—and strengthening pastoral leaders, especially in regions where Christ’s Church burgeons.

RREACH implements these strategies through what we call personal, media and local proclamation of God’s Word.

In personal proclamation, Ramesh exercises his gifts of giving talks and writing so that, quite literally, millions may discover and follow God’s way. The burden for large numbers of individuals saturates his soul. “God’s salvation health must be known among all nations and sown as deep and wide and soon as possible,” he says.

Media proclamation amplifies the message through multiple platforms and technologies. These creative extension and distribution campaigns broadcast God’s grace and truth to the unreached and unreachable—see the news on our latest effort here!—and invigorate the faithful—discover insights for yourself through these resources.

Local proclamation multiplies the message as we connect, unite and strengthen local pastors around the world. With over 90% of pastors seriously undertrained and up to 50,000 people newly following the Lord Jesus each day, the Church faces a stunning deficit of qualified leaders. We must equip God’s messengers everywhere to preach, live, think and serve biblically to ensure that church health parallels church growth. By every possible effective and efficient endeavor, Ramesh Richard envisions reaching the next billion individuals with the spiritual health advocated in God’s Word. We invite you, by His grace and for His glory, to join us!


RREACH envisions changing the way  One Billion Individuals think and hear about the Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Father and by the power of the Holy Spirit.


A Global Proclamation Ministry, RREACH implements God’s calling and gifting on Ramesh Richard  to promote the Lord Jesus Christ worldwide.


We accelerate our global impact by the wise use and mix of personal proclamation, media outreach, and ministry training  to evangelize opinion leaders, strengthen pastoral leaders, and reach large numbers of individuals, especially of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Theme Verse

And many will come from east and west and from north and south, 
and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God.”

Luke 13:29