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“Lessons I Am Learning From the Lord”

“Lessons I Am Learning From the Lord” by D. John Richard Ramesh Richard with his father, John Ramesh Richard’s Preface: I usually write a biblical-theological-practical reflection to open this publication, but I would like to close out this [...]


God-Sent John: A Reflection on John Richard’s Life

*Ramesh Richard by Ramesh Richard "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." Upon this important occasion of bidding a temporary farewell to my father, allow me to stretch that introduction of John the Baptizer in John 1:6 into a description [...]


Power Points from Pain Points

by Ramesh Richard The number one request I receive after classes is simply: "Can we have your PowerPoint?" You know PowerPoint presentations have become ubiquitous for communicators. To visually oriented audiences, PowerPoint slides help move a presentation forward, aid comprehension and enhance memory of major points. [...]


Salvation Grammar: Reformations’ Nouns & Prepositions

by Ramesh Richard Over its first 1,300 years, "Christianity" increasingly separated from the Bible and developed a salvation grammar of its own. The Faith dislodged itself from the parameters of the Scripture’s epistemological (i.e., how we know what we know) foundation. The nouns of salvation were [...]


iA.S.K: Messaging God

  by Ramesh Richard The ubiquitous “i” prefix stands for words like internet and innovation. It has also turned us inward, arousing self-centeredness and exhibitionism through selfies and social media. But altruistic verbs like care or love can sanctify the “i” pronoun in front of [...]


Memo: My Fellow Morons, Need Wisdom?

by Ramesh Richard Moron! Remember that playground epithet that you used to heave affectionately at good friends? It’s actually a biblical word for those who • believe there is no God (Ps 14:1), • do life without God (Rom 1:21–22), and • hear Jesus’ words but [...]