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Kill Death
“Kill Death” - New Year’s Telecast Transcript presented by Dr. Ramesh Richard, PhD, ThD The man was in the habit of reading the obituary column in the newspaper everyday. He often wondered why people died in alphabetical order, but satisfied that his name wasn't there proceeded [...]
Our Word For 2020 (And Beyond)
(Y)OUR WORD FOR 2020 (AND BEYOND) by Ramesh Richard Limits characterize life. Humans experience physical and psychological limitations, geographical and chronological parameters, cultural and intellectual boundaries. Call it finitude. We may try to maximize this existential reality, and we must. Some even break human limits in indirect ways. Remember [...]
When Christian Leaders Defect: “The Goodbye Kiss”
by Ramesh Richard God has patiently put up with a history of leaders who defect—of whom I am one. I defect often. Although I am more aware of my sins of commission than omission, my every sin denies and defies allegiance to the Lord I love. [...]
Who Giveth the Increase?
Non-Profit Organizations, Business Growth and Fund Raising by Ramesh Richard Intense anxiety hung over the US delegation during a most joyous moment in Christian history. Some missions leaders attending the Global Consultation on World Evangelization (May 1995 in Seoul, Korea) faced the possible demise of their [...]
DESIGNER SHOES$$$: A Comment from Ramesh Richard
by Ramesh Richard Searching for worship music and sneakers on the internet, a young man started noticing a strange occurrence. Several Christian pastors wore rather expensive sneakers in the pictures on their church websites. The shoes ranged from $600 to $3,000. This trend alarmed him, and [...]
Your First Name (and my One Word) for the New Year
Your First Name (and my One Word) for the New Year By Ramesh Richard *Ramesh Richard "It’s not about you!" opens a famous book in recent North American Christianity. There’s even an entire book by that title, and a [...]
“Lessons I Am Learning From the Lord”
“Lessons I Am Learning From the Lord” by D. John Richard Ramesh Richard with his father, John Ramesh Richard’s Preface: I usually write a biblical-theological-practical reflection to open this publication, but I would like to close out this [...]
God-Sent John: A Reflection on John Richard’s Life
*Ramesh Richard by Ramesh Richard "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." Upon this important occasion of bidding a temporary farewell to my father, allow me to stretch that introduction of John the Baptizer in John 1:6 into a description [...]
Power Points from Pain Points
by Ramesh Richard The number one request I receive after classes is simply: "Can we have your PowerPoint?" You know PowerPoint presentations have become ubiquitous for communicators. To visually oriented audiences, PowerPoint slides help move a presentation forward, aid comprehension and enhance memory of major points. [...]
Salvation Grammar: Reformations’ Nouns & Prepositions
by Ramesh Richard Over its first 1,300 years, "Christianity" increasingly separated from the Bible and developed a salvation grammar of its own. The Faith dislodged itself from the parameters of the Scripture’s epistemological (i.e., how we know what we know) foundation. The nouns of salvation were [...]
iA.S.K: Messaging God
by Ramesh Richard The ubiquitous “i” prefix stands for words like internet and innovation. It has also turned us inward, arousing self-centeredness and exhibitionism through selfies and social media. But altruistic verbs like care or love can sanctify the “i” pronoun in front of [...]
Memo: My Fellow Morons, Need Wisdom?
by Ramesh Richard Moron! Remember that playground epithet that you used to heave affectionately at good friends? It’s actually a biblical word for those who • believe there is no God (Ps 14:1), • do life without God (Rom 1:21–22), and • hear Jesus’ words but [...]