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The Christianity Thing: Starting Afresh in the New Year
by Ramesh Richard At the beginning of each year, I eagerly welcome English theologian-philosopher G.K. Chesterton’s insight: “The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.” He continues his metaphysical comment [...]
Is Lesser Evil a Greater Good?
by Ramesh Richard U.S. Elections: Guidance, Comfort, Wisdom It used to be easier to vote for presidents. Or to choose to vote at all. Believers would look for candidates most aligned with our (hopefully) biblically informed views and vote in good conscience. Yes, we experienced internal [...]
Stay Found: Your New Year’s Guide
by Ramesh Richard In her book Staying Found: The Complete Map and Compass Handbook, June Fleming suggests various ways hikers can master the skills of "wilderness route finding"—learning how to get around in the wild. By this she means, "Not just carrying a map and compass [...]
Four Global Realities and One Global Ministry Strategy
by Ramesh Richard Pastoral health affects church health; church health affects societal health. This statement can be upheld as biblically true and theologically valid. Can it also be strategically critical for global ministry today? In this article, I consider the strategic priority of the training of [...]
“Tribrid:” Fuel for Leadership
by Ramesh Richard Steam locomotives fill my earliest memories of family travel in southern India. Those fire-breathing engines required frequent stops to replenish the fuel and water. The sound and sights of whistle, steam and smoke fascinated me. Steam engineers controlled the start, the stop and [...]
Reflections on the Middle East
by Ramesh Richard The Middle East is arguably the nerve center of the world’s future. Dr. Ramesh Richard traveled to the region earlier this year, and in a recent interview with The Christian Post, provided some biblical and theological perspective on the escalating situation. The interview, [...]
What Then?
by Ramesh Richard “I am a self-made man,” the braggart claimed. To which a child asked, “Why did you make yourself like this?” I write this article fresh off a 12-day, five-country trip—three of those countries in the chaotic Middle East. I, too, am asking our [...]
The Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers: A Historic First (D.V.)
by Ramesh Richard Just before a quarterly board meeting that would close out 2013, Dr. Ramesh Richard wrote the RREACH board of directors to deliver news they expected and at the same time hoped against. Under the subject line “Private: Manila closed,” Dr. Richard confirmed that [...]
One Re-Verb
by Ramesh Richard Do you need a hard reset of a sluggish spiritual life? Since we are quite like each other, my suspicion is that you again wish to restart spiritually. George Sweeting of Moody Bible Institute once noted, “The secret to victorious Christian living is [...]
11:55 PM: Multi-Talent Tension
by Ramesh Richard Over 50 clocks dot the walls of RREACH. Given by international hosts as appreciation gifts, they invoke memories of places been and people served. In tiny Montenegro, at the end of GPA Balkan States, my hosts presented me with a beautiful clock set [...]
Passive Unbelief
by Ramesh Richard Disbelieving the God in whom I believe is likely the most paradoxical of all my sins. My only comfort in this public acknowledgment of a private pitfall is that I am not alone. But that doesn’t make it any less a sin. This [...]
Very Best. For Many. Everywhere.
The T. Nagar Market area pictured above is Chennai's busiest. This packed scene is normal throughout most days. Photo by McKay Savage from London, UK [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creative], via Wikimedia Commons by Ramesh Richard I could not write this foreword from [...]