27 Pastors from 27 countries are in Dallas for three weeks of learning to preach, live, and think biblically during the 2024 Dallas Global Proclamation Academy!

The Dallas Global Proclamation Academy (GProAcademy) is an annual, three-week, intensive training institute designed to connect, unite, and strengthen 27 young pastoral leaders from 27 countries around the world, primarily in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Since 2005, more than 330 pastoral leaders from over one hundred countries have gathered in Dallas for the GProAcademy. The Lord willing, the 2024 GProAcademy will take place this June – our first since COVID. The program will end with our annual CelebrAction banquet to celebrate the pastor’s graduation. Please plan to join us and connect with these young, fine pastoral servants from all over the globe!

How you can be involved:

Prayer Team

Prayer precedes ministry, and as the Lord continues to open doors for RREACH, we realize afresh the need for prayer. We know the Lord Jesus Christ hears our prayers, and we have many praises and requests. From pastor visa applications, and world wide travel, to transforming training and protection from the enemy, please consider joining us in prayer for our pastors and staff! Please click here to join our prayer team.


Explore meaningful and strategic ways you can be involved in financially supporting the GProAcademy should you sense God’s leading. Various hospitality efforts need your support, including the GPro Launch Luncheon at the Museum of Biblical Art, GPro Impact Lunches and Dinners held on the campus of DTS, and the CelebrAction Banquet—the GPrAcademy’s grand finale graduation for the class of 2024 at the Westin Galleria in Dallas. For more information on how you can help support the GProAcademy, please email melissaann@rreach.org. Please click here to view our online form.


We’re excited to host this year’s CelebrAction, and RREACH would love for you to volunteer! Between set-up, decorations, creating nametags, and covering the room with prayer, our team is eager to have enthusiastic brothers and sisters join us in celebrating our graduating international pastors! Want to join the team? Click here and let us know!


We invite you to join us at one or more of the many GProAcademy events scheduled this June. Each event provides an excellent opportunity for you to be encouraged and globally engaged with pastors from all over the world. Please mark your calendar, invite your like-minded friends to join you, and reserve your spot by clicking here to fill out our online form, contacting RREACH at (972)528-6100, or at tiereny@rreach.org.

GProAcademy Events

While they are here:

Pastor Training


More than 90 percent of the world’s pastors—the leaders of Christ’s Church—are undertrained and serve in isolation. The GProAcademy provides young pastoral leaders training from world-renowned Master Coaches, presidents, and deans of evangelical seminaries and the opportunity for intentional relationship-building within each “cohort” of 27 pastors that lays the foundation for ongoing networking, encouragement and multiplication. 

GPro Impact Meals


Join us on the campus of Dallas Seminary for a GPro Impact Lunch or Dinner where you will have the opportunity to meet the day’s Master Coach, hear from the pastors, and learn more about RREACH. Connecting with visiting pastors is an incredible way to hear how the great commission is being fulfilled around the globe!

Church Partners


We are seeking churches to partner with us in prayer for these pastors before their arrival, during their stay, and after the pastors return home. We would also love to connect local mission teams to pastors living in your target mission areas. Click here if your church is interested in partnering with RREACH.

“The Dallas Global Proclamation Academy transformed my ministry. It is my prayer that many more pastors can be part of this amazing program in the future.”

- Pastor Z. | St. Lucia | GProAcademy Graduate

“I will live to remember the day Dr. Ramesh challenged me to recommit my calling to serve Him in all seasons and to the end. It was like the Lord was undertaking a heart [surgery] in me.”

- Pastor M. | Zimbabwe | GProAcademy Graduate

“We are here for three weeks, but we have made life-long bonds.”

- Pastor F. | Malaysia | GProAcademy Graduate

“This experience has instilled in me the importance of relationships and connections with others in ministry, men especially. The importance of having person to be accountable to and to support, evaluate and even confide in is the key thing that has impacted me.”

- Pastor J. | Guyana | GProAcademy Graduate

“I am very grateful for RREACH and for everything you guys did for me. You invested in me in a way I will never forget. The man, the father, the husband and the pastor I am today is a completely different one thanks to the DGPA 2018.”

- Pastor E. | GProAcademy Graduate

Learn how you can partner with RREACH