Only God

RREACH’s first operational value is “Only God.” One way we recognize and live our dependence on Him is by beginning, covering and ending every aspect of ministry in prayer, with thanksgiving.
Dr. Richard says, “Prayer precedes ministry,” and as the Lord continues to open doors for his ministry, we realize afresh the need for prayer.
Please take a moment to pray and praise over the updates on this page, featuring a daily prayer calendar at the beginning of each month. Also let us know how we can pray for you!


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February 2020 RREACH daily prayer reminder | January 31, 2020


2.1    sudden opportunities to proclaim God's Word while traveling

2.2    quality time with Bonnie, the children and grandchildren

2.3    opportunity to publish and distribute new resources

2.4    health and strength to maintain busy schedule with excellence

2.5    quality time to dedicate to writing projects


2.6    energy and focus to work excellently in all projects, big and small

2.7    to grow together as they serve the Lord

2.8    clear and effective communication for teams spread across many time zones

2.9    safety and provision for traveling team members


2.10    participants of a national GPA in North Africa to be connected, united and strengthened

2.11    the team to be a source of encouragement to the GProCommunity

2.12    for opportunities to host expository preaching trainings in new countries

2.13    clarity on how to best conduct follow-up for upcoming Congresses


2.14    wide distribution of and deep impact from the new LifeRocks podcast

2.15    pastors around the world to be encouraged by weekly PastorReach videos

2.16    creativity for the team developing new campaign ideas and strategies

2.17    many pre-Christians to listen to and receive Christ through media outreach


2.18    discernment, dependability and energy for team leaders

2.19    God's favor on the amplified mobilization efforts

2.20    an effective and productive strategy to encourage trainers of pastors toward their goals

2.21    health and safety of attendees and their families and ministries


2.22    candidates as they prepare for and go through the visa application process

2.23    creativity and drive for the development team

2.24    clear and efficient communication with candidates around the world

2.25    God's provision for candidates raising half their airfare


2.26    meetings with potential tech teams for the Congress to be fruitful

2.27    attentiveness and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance in all things

2.28    capacity and creativity for entire RREACH team as workload increases with upcoming Congresses

2.29    God to work in the hearts of those who attended recent pre-evangelistic events

GPro: Global Proclamation (Commission, Congress, Community)

GProLATAM&CARIB: Global Proclamation Congress for Trainers of Pastors of Latin America & the Caribbean

GPA: Global Proclamation Academy

Received: April 29, 2021

In his words: Ramesh Richard January 2020 update | January 26, 2020

Dear praying friends,

January letters are hard to write, looking back while much about the newness of a new year should not be lost. And yet, precious board, staff and family times, along with strategic ministry at year-end, must not be overlooked.

While I shall not demand that God use the gifts of expression He has given me, I do petition Him daily to open (and close) doors of opportunity to serve His Word everywhere, privately and publicly, with eternal consequences.

At the turn of each year, since people are open to the meaning of festivity (and their very lives), two new-immigrant groups in Dallas invited pre-Christ friends to receive God’s message through this messenger. The year's finale took place in Panama, where 35 believers brought 100 “upper-strata” friends to music, food and my presentation.

There is nothing more thrilling than to revisit God’s provision of my eternal salvation and then to publicly present it. And to see dozens who say “yes” to the good news. Finally, to imagine the delight of heaven over one sinner that repents! Thank you for supporting me in changing the way people think of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you also for accompanying me in changing the way people hear about the Lord Jesus Christ. We primarily accomplish this through strengthening of local pastoral leaders. About 175 Panamanian pastors came to a historic first...gathering together from regions and denominations across the city-country! They wish to serve as local hosts of Panama 2020—RREACH’s Global Proclamation Congress for Trainers of Pastors of Latin America & the Caribbean—with prayer, volunteers and advocacy.

I seek your ongoing encouragement, dear friend. Remember the large inspirational challenge? We landed 34 cents ahead at 10:00 p.m. the night of the deadline with a gift from Brunei. Eventually ahead by about $3,000, we offered the excess back to the final donor as part of our integrity. He generously released it for other use.

Thank you again for sending me on your behalf to serve God’s Word globally.

Received: April 29, 2021

Beginning 2020 with teaching and preaching | January 5, 2020

Dear praying friends,

In brief:

Pray for Dr. Richard’s trip to South America to teach and mobilize for the Global Proclamation Congress for Latin America & the Caribbean (GProLATAM&CARIB Congress).

Pray for Dr. Richard’s preparation to speak on January 15 at Dallas Seminary's chapel service.

Praise God for the many ways He has provided for RREACH ministry through His people.

Praise God for a productive trip to Panama to prepare for the 2020 GProLATAM&CARIB Congress.

The bigger picture:

Dr. Ramesh Richard spoke at two events during his recent trip to Panama.

Dr. Richard is scheduled to teach a Doctor of Ministry course for Dallas Seminary in Brazil early this month. Please pray for his strength of mind, body and spirit. Pray that he will connect well with the class. Also pray for excellent opportunities while there to mobilize trainers of pastors from the Portuguese-speaking world to attend the GProLATAM&CARIB Congress.

The day after he returns from Brazil, the Lord willing, Dr. Richard will speak at the first Dallas Seminary chapel service of the semester, January 15. Pray that he will find time to prepare and that he will proclaim God’s Word faithfully and eloquently.

Thank God for the many people who have been generous toward RREACH ministry with their time, attention, skills, prayer, counsel, finances and more. Ask Him to draw them nearer to Himself. Pray that we will wisely employ every gift of every kind He provides for His glory.

Praise God for a productive trip to Panama to prepare for the 2020 GProLATAM&CARIB Congress. Team members reviewed the venue and met with numerous service vendors and officials. Please pray for the ongoing process of arranging for services, negotiating contracts, and attending to the myriad details of convening an event for 500. Pray also that recruitment efforts will bring many early registrations with payment.

Thank you for praying!

Received: April 29, 2021

January 2020 RREACH daily prayer reminder | January 1, 2020


1.1    to grow in the Lord as they serve.

1.2    energy and diligence to keep up with all that needs to be done behind the scenes.

1.3    all that we do locally and globally to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

1.4    safety and provision for traveling team members.


1.5    total protection while traveling internationally.

1.6    dedicated time to prepare for teaching and speaking opportunities.

1.7    wisdom and humility in all areas of life.

1.8    God to work through Ramesh to reach pre-Christ friends locally and internationally.


1.9    energy and wisdom in the final steps of 2016 GProCongress follow-up.

1.10  the team to be a source of encouragement to the GProCommunity.

1.11  connections with trainers of pastors in the 60+ countries not yet represented in follow-up.

1.12  the team's evaluation of whom to invite to participate in future GProCongresses.


1.13  the new LifeRocks series on loneliness to reach those who don't yet know the Lord Jesus.

1.14  successful launch of the LifeRocks website updates and redesign.

1.15  wider reach and deeper engagement with online content.

1.16  weekly PastorReach videos to encourage pastors to live, lead and preach biblically.


1.17  the right 500 trainers of pastors to attend the Congress.

1.18  recruitment to make meaningful and lasting connections with trainers of pastors.

1.19  registrants to be able to pay the registration and travel costs.

1.20  wisdom for the communication team to determine best distribution strategies.


1.21  young pastors from new and underrepresented countries.

1.22  candidates to obtain visas.

1.23  energy and diligence for the admissions team.

1.24  the right Master Coaches to be able to lead the courses.


1.25  opportunities to host national GPAs in new countries.

1.26  openings for Dr. Richard's printed materials to be distributed to pre-Christians around the world.

1.27  discernment in evaluating Dr. Richard's potential speaking engagements.

1.28  capacity and creativity as Dr. Richard develops content for speaking engagements.


1.29  wisdom and discernment as they consider RREACH's future.

1.30  blessing over each board member's leadership roles.

1.31  joy in the Lord as they serve RREACH and others.

GPro: Global Proclamation (Commission, Congress, Community)

GProLATAM&CARIB: Global Proclamation Congress for Trainers of Pastors of Latin America & the Caribbean

GPA: Global Proclamation Academy

Received: April 29, 2021

In his words: Ramesh Richard December update | December 22, 2019

Dear praying friends,

The end of the year is almost here. Sometimes it feels like the end of the world is near, too! We take a quick world tour and wish His promise to come soon (Rev. 22:20) would happen now. Yet He waits to come so more would repent (2 Pet. 3:8). In these “betwixt” times and tension, I must serve God’s Word to the world.

In Bali, Indonesia, I spoke at a church service, then to about 120 pastoral leaders, and at an evening event where all four pre-Christ friends and family in attendance embraced the Lord Jesus.

In a South Asian country experiencing an extreme air quality crisis, I was addressing 500+ heroes at The Word Conference. Many pastors had been physically assaulted for the Faith. Who am I to minister to them? But they went back home more committed!

In Jakarta, Indonesia, RREACH hosted two networking sessions for about 100 world evangelical leaders on pastoral training over the next four years. We invited them to advocate for advancing Church Health worldwide by the training of pastors.

Trip highlight? Three days in a restricted Asian country. After waiting seven months for a last minute and rare official visa to speak, I addressed 800 leaders of their second largest denomination. Out of 500 pastors, only four had formal training—less than 1%. And yet they have grown from 200 to a whopping 220,000 people! Hallelujah!?

Preaching at favorite congregation in Singapore was my final stop before rushing home to a wonderful U.S. Thanksgiving! Praise be to God.

We also must multiply proclaimers around the world. Our national Global Proclamation Academies were held in Guatemala, Ukraine and São Tomé-Princípe, with 25 pastoral leaders each who were better trained to preach and live biblically. What a joy!

You make all this possible. Like early Christians, we cry out for “the Lord to come” (1 Cor. 16:22) and “even so come Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20). Until then, thank you for making His truth and love available to the world through this ministry. 2020 awaits!

Received: April 29, 2021