Prayer Updates
2018 Dallas GPA - Final(s) week | June 28, 2018
Dear praying friends,
In brief:
It’s the final week of Dallas GPA 2018! Pray for everyone.
Dr. Richard has a heavy teaching/speaking schedule the rest of this week. Please pray.
Pray for the pastors as they travel home and go back to the demands of ministry.
Ask the Lord to bring the right connections and personnel needed by the GProCommission team.
The bigger picture:
Praise God for the experience of the 2018 Dallas GPA! He has blessed over and over again through the three rigorous weeks. The delegates need prayer in these final days of instruction, study and deepening personal connections. They are tired and missing home, but reluctant to say goodbye. Pray for all the staff, too.
Dr. Richard is scheduled to teach two days yet this week, as well as finish and deliver Saturday's graduation banquet message on . Please pray for his final moments with the pastors to be sweet and for good quiet time as he prepares for the banquet.
We also ask for prayer cover for the pastors as they travel home over Sunday and Monday. Pray for safety, smooth travels and wonderful reunions with their loved ones. Pray for their adjustment back to the daily life of ministry and discernment in how to apply what they have learned. Pray that they will be able to keep in touch with each other for mutual encouragement.
Praise God for the GProCommission team as they continue the gargantuan work of helping connect, unite and strengthen pastoral trainers around the world. As the 2018 Dallas GPA grads go forth, they will benefit from the GProCommission’s highly personal and intentional follow-up. The GPro team is asking the Lord to bring connections who can introduce them to pastoral trainers not yet part of what we call the "GProCommunity" and for personnel to help in various areas.
Thank you for upholding us, wonderful prayer warriors!
Received: April 29, 2021
Dallas GPA 2018 - Week 2 | June 22, 2018
Dear praying friends,
In brief:
We’re praising God for this year’s 26 wonderful GPA pastors and His blessing as we finish the second week of GPA!
Praise God for so many generous and welcoming friends who come alongside RREACH to make the GPA a special time for the pastors.
Continue to pray for comprehensive protection of pastors and staff.
Intercede for a momentous graduation and banquet evening.
Pray for details to come together for Dr. Richard’s upcoming trips.
The bigger picture:
The 2018 class of Dallas GPA delegates is eager to learn, asking a lot of questions in class, and sharing ministry experiences and practices with each other. One pastor half-jokingly told Dr. Richard, “I’m an idiot!” He was referring to how much he is learning about the Scriptures and how much more he has yet to learn. Praise God for these young leaders and ask His favor on their remaining time here.
Praise God, too, for the many people who have helped make the GPA a great experience for the pastors. Volunteers, hosts, donors, prayer partners and more … all are expressions of His blessing!
We’re thankful that no major challenges have arisen for the pastors or their families. Please keep asking God’s complete protection over them and the staff. One staff member’s home was broken into this week. A great deal was stolen, but, praise God, no one was hurt and insurance will cover most of the loss.
Also pray for preparation for the GPA graduation and banquet. It is scheduled for, the Lord willing, Saturday, June 30. Pray for God’s anointing as Dr. Richard prepares his message and for his voice to return to full strength.
Dr. Richard is scheduled to speak in Dallas, New York, the Caribbean, Central America and South America this summer. Please pray for details to come together and meaningful engagement. Also ask the Lord’s direction regarding possible future events in Paraguay, Hungary and South Asia.
Received: April 29, 2021
2018 Dallas GPA - Week 1 | June 15, 2018
Dear praying friends,
In brief:
Praise God that all 26 pastors arrived and had a great start to GPA 2018!
Praise that Dr. Richard’s voice held up during his first day of teaching. Intercede that the pastors will quickly grasp all the teaching and see how to apply it.
Pray for the onsite GPA team to operate effectively, efficiently and with excellence.
Continue to ask God to provide Dr. Richard opportunities to proclaim the Lord Jesus evangelistically.
The bigger picture:
We praise the Lord for the trouble-free arrival of all 26 Dallas Global Proclamation Academy delegates for 2018. Please pray that they will enjoy getting to know each other. Pray that the Lord will place them with just the right host families this weekend and next.
Thank God that Dr. Richard made it through his first day of teaching. His voice is still weakened, though, and he would appreciate continued prayer as he is scheduled to teach extra days this year. Please intercede for each pastor to learn well and discern how to effectively apply what they are learning.
Uphold the GPA team onsite at Dallas Seminary and pray that they will operate effectively, efficiently and with excellence, by the power of God’s Spirit. Pray for them to be encouraged even in the middle of pressure.
We’ve seen answers to prayer as Dr. Richard’s schedule fills with speaking engagements. Praise God and pray for other opportunities to expose opinion leaders—the largely overlooked group of people with influence and affluence—to the Lord Jesus in thoughtful and winsome ways.
Thank you!
Received: April 29, 2021
2018 Dallas GPA...about to begin! | June 8, 2018
Dear Praying Friends,
In brief:
Praise God! Twenty-four Dallas GPA pastors have arrived; we expect the final two today.
Pray for each pastor to acclimate well and for a great first week.
Remember Dr. Richard as he prepares to teach at the GPA amid other demands on his time and attention.
Praise God for ongoing efforts to connect and strengthen trainers of pastors globally.
The bigger picture:
Almost all the pastors have arrived. Praise be to God! Please pray for the two yet on their way.
The Dallas Global Proclamation Academy, RREACH's premier annual pastoral training event, officially begins Sunday, June 10. Pray for the 26 delegates from 26 different countries to acclimate well to their new surroundings. Pray for patience, understanding and good humor as they learn and adjust to each other’s cultural perspectives, nuances and accents. Pray that they will bond with each other in the Lord Jesus for lifelong friendships and ministry relationships.
Pray also that the pastors will dedicate this time to God and His will for their lives. Each was asked to come with a specific growth goal. Pray that He will accomplish this and far, far more in them. Pray that they will become better proclaimers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr. Richard is to teach Monday, the first day in the classroom. Please pray that his allergy-compromised voice will hold up. Praise God for the additional time he had for ministry planning after last week’s board of directors meeting and ask for His unceasing direction. Continue to pray for Dr. Richard’s banquet message preparation.
Uphold GProCommission colleagues helping connect and strengthen pastoral trainers in Latin America, Africa, South Asia, Central Europe, the Middle East and North America/Western Europe. We’re still seeking a colleague for Central Asia. Please pray for that need and for the colleagues in other regions considering how they can help in the meantime.
Thank you for praying!
Received: April 29, 2021
An eventful season | June 1, 2018
Dear praying friends,
In brief:
Give thanks for Ryan and Chelsie Richard’s beautiful, Christ-honoring wedding ceremony.
Praise God for 26 pastors approved to come to the U.S. for the Dallas GPA!
Thank the Lord Jesus for the wonderful volunteers lending very helpful hands to GPA preparation.
Pray for personal proclamation opportunities for Dr. Richard in Paraguay, Venezuela and more.
The bigger picture:
On a Texas May day, family and friends celebrated Ryan and Chelsie Richard’s garden wedding, an event that exalted the Lord Jesus. Praise Him for His work in the couple’s lives and pray for their growth together in Him. Praise God, too, that Dr. Richard’s voice held up as he officiated; he eventually lost it from being outdoors on the high-allergen weekend.
Our prayers have been answered: We now have 26 pastors with visas for the June 10 – 30 Dallas GPA (our goal was 25). Thank you so much for praying. And please keep on praying for this group of fine, young pastoral leaders to be supernaturally connected, united and strengthened. Pray for safe, smooth travels and entry into the US. Most will be starting their journeys in less than a week.
Several sets of volunteers have lent their encouraging presence and helping hands to getting us ready for the GPA. We cannot thank God enough for them. Please pray blessing on them and on all final preparations for this major annual event. Also remember the teams serving behind the scenes.
Dr. Richard’s summer following the Dallas GPA is filling up rapidly. Ask God for clear leading about upcoming personal proclamation opportunities in Paraguay and Venezuela and later possibilities in Costa Rica, Hungary, and several locations in India, as well as U.S.-based engagements. Pray that he will be an effective spokesman for the Sovereign Savior worldwide.