Only God

RREACH’s first operational value is “Only God.” One way we recognize and live our dependence on Him is by beginning, covering and ending every aspect of ministry in prayer, with thanksgiving.
Dr. Richard says, “Prayer precedes ministry,” and as the Lord continues to open doors for his ministry, we realize afresh the need for prayer.
Please take a moment to pray and praise over the updates on this page, featuring a daily prayer calendar at the beginning of each month. Also let us know how we can pray for you!


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Prayer Updates

An update on Africa, full report to come | October 24, 2013

Dear friends,

Thank you all for your prayers for Dr. Richard's trip to Africa. We learned this morning that Dr. Richard has safely landed in Dallas. Praise the Lord!

Dr. Richard reported that he was not able to meet with the president of Zambia, but did meet the chief political officer, who introduced himself as a born-again Christian!

Dr. Richard also asked us to join him in praising God that both the national television and national radio interviews went well and are airing today—Zambia's Independence Day and the 100th birthday of their capital city of Lusaka.

We hope to bring you a full trip update very soon!

For now, please continue to pray for GPA Zambia, which will end on Saturday.

For His glory,

Edie Ross

prayer coordinator

Received: April 29, 2021