Only God

RREACH’s first operational value is “Only God.” One way we recognize and live our dependence on Him is by beginning, covering and ending every aspect of ministry in prayer, with thanksgiving.
Dr. Richard says, “Prayer precedes ministry,” and as the Lord continues to open doors for his ministry, we realize afresh the need for prayer.
Please take a moment to pray and praise over the updates on this page, featuring a daily prayer calendar at the beginning of each month. Also let us know how we can pray for you!


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Monthly Prayer Calendar

For brief daily prayer points, click here for our monthly calendar.

Prayer Updates

Urgent: Global Pastoral Trainers Congress | December 10, 2013

Dear friends,

Thank you for your continued prayers for Dr. Richard and for RREACH. We urgently need your prayers today as important meetings take place regarding the Global Pastoral Trainers Congress. 

As you know, a super typhoon has devastated parts of the Philippines. While Manila, where the Congress is scheduled to take place in 2016, has not been affected, much of the Congress' national leadership team now must turn their attention from preparing for the Congress to the urgent need for physical care resulting from the typhoon. 

Dr. Richard and the RREACH team have been in prayer over the matter regarding how God would have us proceed in terms of the scope, location, venue and staffing of the historic event. 

Please pray for Spirit-led meetings, effective communication, strategic ideas and efficient implementation for mobilization of participants and prayer worldwide, along with follow-up considerations.

For His glory,

Edie Ross

Prayer Coordinator

Received: April 29, 2021