Only God

RREACH’s first operational value is “Only God.” One way we recognize and live our dependence on Him is by beginning, covering and ending every aspect of ministry in prayer, with thanksgiving.
Dr. Richard says, “Prayer precedes ministry,” and as the Lord continues to open doors for his ministry, we realize afresh the need for prayer.
Please take a moment to pray and praise over the updates on this page, featuring a daily prayer calendar at the beginning of each month. Also let us know how we can pray for you!


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Prayer Updates

Encouraging the hope-less and the faith-full in Haiti | December 13, 2013

Dear Friends,

Please join with us in prayer today and over the weekend as Dr. Richard and a few RREACH staff and friends travel to Haiti to minister there.

Dr. Richard and RREACH have a deep history in this country that is impoverished materially but blessed with giants of the Faith.

Dr. Richard has made several trips there to train and encourage pastors, including in 2010, just a month after the devastating earthquake that claimed the lives of 300,000 people. He and the RREACH team traveling with him, including Dr. Richard's wife, Bonnie, went to provide a day of refreshment for Haitian pastors dealing with their own losses of loved ones and physical property while also trying to minister to their hurting congregations.

Dr. Richard said this of his decision to go then.

Bonnie and I were there ... because the pastors had stopped smiling and singing.

During this weekend's trip, please pray for the following opportunities to proclaim Christ:

Saturday: In the morning, Dr. Richard will deliver the keynote address for the Theological Education Program commencement ceremony. Pray that those attending the commencement ceremony would be transformed and encouraged by Dr. Richard's message.

That evening he will speak to "hope-less" opinion leaders at an evangelistic dinner. The office of Haitian president Michel Martelly called to inform RREACH's Haitian hosts of Martelly's sudden need to go to the funeral of Nelson Mandela, which will cause him to be unable to attend the evangelistic event Saturday evening. Please pray that many opinion leaders would attend, and that many would find hope and place their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday: Dr. Richard will teach from the pulpit during two services at Eglise Baptiste Berée, the church of long-time RREACH friend Pastor E, a Dallas Seminary graduate. That evening Dr. Richard will have a special visit with GPA graduates in the area, who have multiplied their training to the third generation. Dallas GPA graduates from Haiti in 2011 put on GPA Haiti. GPA Haiti graduates, in turn, were inspired to organize intentional pastoral training for 100 specially selected pastors from all 10 regions of Haiti. Please pray that God would use Dr. Richard's preaching at Eglise Baptiste Berée to impact those attending and that the special visit would be of mutual encouragement and refreshment for GPA graduates and for Dr. Richard.

For His glory,

Edie Ross

prayer coordinator

Received: April 29, 2021