Only God

RREACH’s first operational value is “Only God.” One way we recognize and live our dependence on Him is by beginning, covering and ending every aspect of ministry in prayer, with thanksgiving.
Dr. Richard says, “Prayer precedes ministry,” and as the Lord continues to open doors for his ministry, we realize afresh the need for prayer.
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From Haiti to you: A Christmas greeting and more | December 19, 2013

Dear friends,

Thank you for praying for Dr. Richard during his trip to Haiti. He and the team have returned safely and we are excited to bring you a trip report, along with a Christmas greeting sent from Haiti to RREACH friends via email. If you would like to join RREACH's mailing list, please email me at

The joy of this trip centered upon the multiplication of RREACH training by Dallas GPA graduates to the third and fourth generations.

The team was met at the airport by Pastor V (2009 Dallas GPA graduate). They spent time their first evening in Haiti with Pastor B, a 2005 Dallas GPA grad who was referred by Pastor E, a Dallas Seminary graduate who has worked in ministry partnerships with Dr. Richard since the early 90s.

Prior to coming to the Dallas GPA, Pastor B was already training pastors. But since receiving training on how to create and preach expository sermons, he has multiplied his training and has taught Dr. Richard's Scripture Sculpture method to 560 pastors each year. Scripture Sculpture also is taught in the local seminary and was used to craft a written sermon that has circulated through the country. It is estimated that this sermon has caused more than 100,000 people to make decisions toward Christ.

The next morning Dr. Richard delivered the keynote address at the seminary's commencement. Fifty-two would graduate, many at great personal expense. Some pastors traveled back and forth for up to seven hours on extremely difficult roads to attend the two-year training.

Dr. Richard praying with the graduates

All were bivocational, meaning they would work a regular job, pastor a church and also devote time for the two-year course. The seminary was the vision of Pastor V, and so again, the team was blessed to see how RREACH training was being multiplied.

That evening, Dr. Richard spoke at an evangelistic event attended by 90 people including congressmen, senators, doctors, lawyers, college professors and entrepreneurs. He spoke about passion, mission and vision and challenged the audience to consider how this plays out in their personal and professional lives. He asked them to think about how they could make a difference, encouraging them to make God the passion of their lives. We’ve heard that more than 20 people made decisions to trust Christ that evening!

Sunday began bright and early as the team left the hotel at 5:30 a.m. to attend a 6 a.m. service at the oldest church in Haiti, which was packed full of 1,200 people.

Next, they stopped at Pastor V's outdoor church — a young congregation.

Dr. Richard at Pastor V's outdoor church

Dr. Richard addressed the congregation and Pastor V interpreted. Next, the team traveled to Pastor E's church where Dr. Richard spoke during two services.

That evening the team had the opportunity to meet up with Pastor V, who shared about his ministry and its joys and challenges. He is responsible for 17 churches and his vision is to not only train pastors, but also to help provide healthcare and life insurance - especially for older pastors -  to assist with medical needs and funeral services.

Dr. Richard with Pastor V

Please continue to pray for the pastors in Haiti, which is still dealing with the devastation caused by the 2010 earthquake. (Pastor V still sleeps outdoors while his home is completed!) Pray specifically for pastors E, B and V that God would continue to use them mightily to bring the Haiti people to Himself.

For His glory,

Edie Ross

Prayer Coordinator

Received: April 29, 2021