Welcome to Welling for your spiritual health and growth. Well, it’s, well, how are you? How have you been doing? How’s it been? How’s it going? Common words in conversational tone often elicit very, very superficial responses like “good” or “fine” or “well.”
But the word “well” is deep. I recommend that you use it intentionally, especially with those whom you love who inquire about your situation. And today I want to ask you, how are you doing? And if you say, “well,” I would like you to reflect the wonderful verse found in 3 John, an episode where the elder talks to his beloved Gaius, whom he loves in the truth. And he says, I pray, beloved that you will prosper in every way, in all respects, in all references and relationship to life, and in well-being and good health even as your soul already prospers.
The United States has defined “health” as not just the absence of infirmity, but the presence of mental, social, and physical well-being.
The only thing they forgot is that of spiritual well-being, because spiritual health is the basis, the core of all other kinds of health. As long as we are on this side of heaven, we are going to have challenges with mental, physical, and social matters. And yet, we can have a spiritual core that helps us meet the realities and the challenges of the other absences of mental, physical, and social well-being.
I want us to develop our spiritual core. The word “well,” or “health,” and “healing,” the phrase “how to heal” was searched on Google engines so much more than– before, in 2021, they say that the burnout issue, the healing issue, increased by a 5,000% breakout search sequence than the prior year or the prior season. We are all feeling it. We all want to be well again.
But there is a deficiency. We are facing an unwellness. And if we leave our spiritual health, we don’t have a chance to cope with what we are facing. So today I speak on your spiritual core, the spiritual core that is needed in order to do everyday tasks, just like physical fitness is needed for on-the-job responsibilities that we have. Everyday roles require us to be spiritually fit. Every day responsibilities require us to be spiritually fit. Everyday relationships, they require us to be spiritually fit, isn’t it?
Our spiritual health affects every other dimension of existence. And if you’re a Christian– I am told that the CrossFit gym is the best way to go because it has the cross in the center of it. But let’s talk about strengthening your spiritual core for the sake of your well-being, spiritual well-being. Everyday responsibilities, on-the-job roles, they require spiritual well-being, even for your physical well-being. Get your spiritual core well.